Tuesday, 21 May 2013

The website!

Since Space Apps, the team have continued the work and we have had time to refine our ideas slightly. The story is no longer just a story, it's now a gateway to exploration. In time, we'll be writing our own, child friendly, age appropriate pages of information about explorers, explorations and STEM, but for now we're busy finding links to existing sites and sorting them within the themes of exploration.

Andrew, our lead developer, has worked tirelessly on developing a website for schools to begin the project and to share their work with others. The site so far, includes links to the story in all available languages, a resources page linking to various external open source data, apps and websites for children to explore with more links and languages being added frequently.

In the future, the site will use more geo-location to suggest explorations which are local to the individual user. We hope to have a language selection very soon for the whole site, not just the story links. There will be an age suggestion along with the links to make it easier for children to find information they are able to understand. We will also be adding graphics to make the site a little more child friendly!

There is still a huge amount of work to be done, but we hope to begin a trial of the project with a few schools in the UK, India and Canada before the end of this academic year. Keep visiting the gallery page to see what has been uploaded!

Take a look: explorablestory.org and tell us what you think! If you'd like to get involved in the project, let us know! contact@explorablestory.org

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